Tax allowances on the purchase of a commercial property
If you are looking to purchase a commercial property, you can make substantial savings by taking advantage of all available capital allowances.
When you agree a purchase price for a property, a reasonable amount of that purchase price also includes embedded capital allowances. RfM can carry out a detailed review of the purchase and guide you to ensure you benefit from all available reliefs.
As the owner of a commercial property you are entitled to claim capital allowances on certain fixtures in your building. Qualifying fixtures include:
The expenditure can be incurred on both properties used by a trading company and property held for investment purposes and may arise from:
the purchase of a new building
the construction of a new building
the extension or alteration of an existing building
leasehold improvements to a rented property.
Typical businesses that can make additional tax claims include:
pubs and restaurants
care homes
industrial properties
Ask us to review your capital allowances
We won’t just take a high level look at what claims you can make for tax relief. It is our standard approach to look at the fine detail and carefully analyse all the costs incurred.
We appoint qualified surveyors to carry out a comprehensive review of the fixtures included in the fabric of the building, and always carry out a site visit to get a full review. Claims can often be related back, resulting in tax refunds as well as future savings.
Our fees in relation to the claim for capital allowances are flexible and depend on the savings we generate.