Company Secretarial
When it comes to maintaining the records and particulars of your company, you can’t be too, well, particular. When you appoint us to act as your company secretary, you can be confident that every ‘i’ has been dotted, and every ‘t’ crossed.

Company secretarial duties we can carry out on your behalf include:
maintaining statutory registers
new company incorporation – this can be carried out the same day
amendments to directors and shareholders
advice on company articles and any non-standard articles
filing Person of Significant Control (PSC) returns and Confirmation Statements (CS01)
carrying out company searches
providing a registered office address and safely storing statutory records
making changes to the company name or year end
general advice on company law and guidance in this complex area.

+ more client focused
The only true measure of our success is happy clients. Luckily for us, we’ve got lots of those. Here’s the proof.
Bay View Childcare Ltd
Chris Thompson
" RfM have always delivered a first-class service for us at Bay View. The service provided has always been professional and prompt, and we have always received proactive support around any..."
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